


AQUIX is a new form of business. Our model is network crowd investing. AQUIX’s goal is to make people healthy and solve the earth’s environmental problems in a profitable way. We create a new quality of life for everyone.

We invite investors and partners from all over the world to become co-owners of an international company.

We are AQUIX company

Our main product is the functional drink IZONEUM, which we sell through the innovative IZONATOR Vending Spot distribution system with the support of our own community. IZONEUM is a new generation of functional drinks and food, created on the basis of a special water treatment technology and healthy components. Retain its properties for 48 hours after preparation. IZONATOR Vending Spot – vending machines for the preparation and sale of IZONEUM. They are controlled using a mobile application and allow you to fine-tune IZONEUM for each user, his/her lifestyle and current needs.

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

About business

AQUIX is a startup. But we offer to invest not in the idea, but in the finished product. Today we are engaged in the organization of production and form the sales market through the creation of information and product network.

For 15 years, our engineers have been developing two advanced technologies-water vapor cavitation and ISON flow. More than $ 3 million has been invested in research and experiments. The description of the technologies and test reports can be found on the AQUIX website.

On the basis of technologies AQUIX creates household and industrial equipment in demand on the market. We turn the earth’s carbon plume into a marketable product and invite you to make money with us!


Everything flows, everything changes. Human beings, in particular, and humanity as a whole, constantly increase the requirements for the quality of life. The team of the scientific and technological startup AQUIX has set a goal – to predict the problems of tomorrow and offer our own solutions for the international market. Our competencies are in the areas of human consumption of air, water and food.

Create a new quality of life for everyone.

We do:

● the air is clean ● eating healthy ● use of non-renewable resources-environmentally friendly Together we: popularize the idea of lean resource consumption we attract like-minded people, experts and developers earn with co-owners and partners of the company


JSC AQUIX is a joint-stock company officially registered in Georgia, taxpayer identification number 402113565.

You’ve probably heard that the German legal system best protects the company’s investors. It’s also the most expensive. Therefore, we registered in a country with an identical system, but a more modest price for its maintenance — in Georgia. Therefore, all our partners can be sure not only that they are protected by European law, but also that the funds invested by them are spent on production, and not on bureaucracy.

You can check the company’s registration on this website. For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

For investors

You can purchase one of the company’s portfolios and receive your first dividend as early as mid-2020. The dividend Fund is formed from sales of equipment, payments make up 10% of the company’s gross revenue.

For partners

Register in your personal account on the AQUIX website and get your personal link. The affiliate program is your passive income. For each person connected to your link, you get your fair Commission.

Any more questions? Ask them to the technical support staff on the AQUIX website, and we will continue to introduce you to the company’s activities.

AQUIX today is: 1000 co-owners of international business 3000 partners 50 countries And these indicators are growing daily!

Eco-friendly marketing

AQUIX does not set budgets for advertising, we are for the reasonable use of the company’s resources.

Our investors and partners talk about our products and get a Commission for it.

Employees of the ever-growing sales Department become co-owners of the company and together we build a structured business.

We follow the needs of the market

With such a project, we need to enter the market in a structured, fast and large-scale manner.

Therefore, we selected target audiences with strong connections within the community:

  1. Professional athletes and simple lovers of regular training
  2. Students, programmers, workaholics
  3. Influencers, bloggers, models
  4. Biohackers
  5. Demanding persons


Universal application of the AQUIX ecosystem

  1. Advanced fitness tracker:- Wellness and health are the most precious things in the world Without health, everything else loses its meaning. By monitoring the intake of active substances during the day, you can significantly improve your well-being. However, there are no universal solutions, all people are different. Also, we are all very busy. We have no time to understand and monitor our own biochemistry. The AQUIX App is your personal nutritionist doctor who will draw up a clear plan according to your health condition and lifestyle.
  2. Investment marketplace and social network:- Every AQUIX App user gets access to investments in IVS devices anywhere in the world, numerous local and global partner programs, as well as notifications about local promotions and community events. AQUIX App should become a complete communication tool for fans of a healthy lifestyle at every point of IZONEUM’s presence. To do this, we will collect bigdata and analyze it deeply, but only with the consent of the user. Each member of the AQUIX ecosystem has a voice weight based on his/her degree of participation in the project, and the AQUIX App is their key to making collective decisions.

AQUIX Overseer

Global analytical system

  1. Business management
  2. Marketing analytics

AQUIX Franchise

1-An interesting business with an innovative model and no direct competition. 2-Global online marketing and technical support. 3-Convenient business control, network scalability. 4-Exclusive offers, representative offices in the territories. 5-We offer a venture model and two types of franchisees: creator and administrator.

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 9510212014

Investment portfolios

After registering in your personal account on the aquix.pro website, you will have access to investment portfolios with company shares.

The growth in the value of shares is ensured by consumer demand and is up to 100% per year for invested capital.

In the summer of 2021, there will be an opportunity to invest in vending machines….


“1AQX = 1 share of the company”

In 2022, AQUIX becomes a crypto project and integrates blockchain technologies.

Our task is to decentralize the internal transactions of the AQUIX project and maximize the opportunities for participants.

Therefore, we create an AQX token that can be issued by each AQUIX shareholder independently and at any time, as well as perform any necessary operations with it: buy, sell, pledge, use in liquidity pools, etc.

AQUIX crypto ecosystem

AQUIX crypto ecosystem will completely blur the boundaries between the roles “user”, “participant” and “franchisee”, and turn the project into a DAO, transferring management to shareholders.


The AQUIX project is a fully open team. All legal documents and research results can be found on our website.

AQUIX investors and partners communicate with the company’s management on social networks. Every day we report on the news and give comments on the current situation. We create live webinars with AQUIX founders.

Explore the site, ask questions, and join AQUIX today. By combining our potentials, we can change the world together.

Plan Presentation

Aquix Presentation1

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

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