

Ecosystem for developing and financing projects in the artificial intelligence space and blockchain technologies 

DIGIU is an ecosystem for developing and financing artificial intelligence and blockchain projects..Today, DigiU is the only opportunity for anyone in the world to become a co-owner of a technology ecosystem and generate income from the commercial use of modern technology….


Specializing in project development and financing. Working towards creating a digital copy of the human persona and a habitat for its existence, integrating the person into the digital world.

What is DigiU? - YouTube
For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

Venture Fund

Invests in technologies, teams and projects in the AI space; Supplements and takes advantage of the technology company’s data….

Technology Company

Develops AI technologies; Creates and compiles data for AI technologies; Operates the data management platform (DMP), DigiU’s key innovation….

The technological base of the company

The first stage of development is laying a foundation for an environment in which data gathering, analysis, and learning can take place based on the data prepared for DigiU’s artificial intelligence.

Big Data and Data Science are the two fields of inquiry that underpin the processes of data collection and the subsequent application of machine learning models to those datasets. The key tools used in these processes are the Data Management Platform (DMP) and the Machine Learning Framework (MLF)…..

Core system=Big Data (ETL, DWH, BI)=Data Science (ML/AI)

The Ecosystem

The ecosystem encompasses fields of technology that factor into the development of the digital persona. Each field contains an array of subsystems that function as autonomous services and apps which have the potential for rapid growth in user base and investment. The Ecosystem.

DigiU - DigiU.Wealth is the new product of the DigiU ecosystem! And this is  the first product that we are monetising.
For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

DigiU monetizes technologies in the following fields:

  1. Speech technologies :- Example of a technology and path to monetization-Intelligent voice assistant, Telephone customer service conducted by AI, Increasing productivity through voice commands…
  2. Predictive analytics :-Example of a technology and path to monetization-Consumer demand forecasting, Client recommendation systems, AI for trading on exchanges…
  3. Biometrics:-Example of a technology and path to monetization- Finding perpetrators through facial recognition, Remote proof of identity, Identifying human silhouettes and behaviors…
  4. Natural language processing:-Example of a technology and path to monetization-Understanding meaning for conversations with humans, Extracting specific information from data streams, Creating social media content….
  5. Computer vision:- Example of a technology and path to monetization- Facial recognition time clock for employees, Product identification, Detection and diagnosis of medical conditions…

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer science field that develops intelligent computer systems capable of what we traditionally associate with the human mind – understand language, learn, reason, solve problems, etc.Artificial intelligence is the fastest growing and highly profitable IT market segment. In the next 5 years, AI will become the most breakthrough technology that will enter the life of every person on the planet just like electricity, telephone and the internet have done….

Advantages of the AI market:

In 2017, companies around the world made $692 billion in profits because they used artificial intelligence technology in their operations. In 2018, the revenue increased to $1.2 trillion, and by 2022, it will be almost $4 trillion…

  1. 31% per year:- The annual growth of the Artificial Intelligence market..
  2. $52.5 billion:-The total size of the AI technologies market, according to the Frost & Sullivan estimate for 2022..
  3. 2030:-Widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence technologies..
  4. $15.7 trillion:-Growth of the global market of goods and services by 2030..


Block chain is a database that consists of blocks that are inseparable and connected to each other. It is impossible to delete or replace a block in this chain…The database has no central computer and is a decentralized system in which all information is stored on the computers of all users, which ensures security and efficiency….Block chain is the technology of the future, and it offers great prospects and opportunities when paired with artificial intelligence….In 2020 alone, the block chain market grew by 10.27%…The total value of the block chain market now exceeds $1.68 billion…The global block chain market is expected to grow to $39.7 billion by 2025…Now, AI is used everywhere: voice assistant in smartphones, self driving cars on the road, a neural network helps make accurate diagnoses, and businesses are using AI as a sales consultant…In the near future, AI will make our lives easier and safer:it will dive to depths beyond human reach and explore the oceans,decode the genomes of viruses to prevent epidemics and help conduct sophisticated rescue operations.

DigiU is the most humane artificial intelligence and ecosystem

DigiU is the most humane artificial intelligence and ecosystem, in which we will:

  1. Educate people about the possibilities and prospects of AI and blockchain
  2. Teach relevant professions and skills
  3. Create new jobs
  4. Help people adapt to this new digital world
  5. Generate lifetime income from investments
DigiU - A powerful update in DigiU
For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

DigiU Achievements in 18 Months

  1. More than 70,000 DigiU partners. The project is already in 182 1 countries and has more than 9,000 investors.
  2. 2 Dividends have been paid twice to all project partners.
  3. 2 companies registered in the EU jurisdiction – DigiU.Holding and DigiU.Finance. 3 Obtained an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).
  4. The process of KYC verification, which is a mandatory procedure to exchange 4 DigiU shares for the notes, the company’s securities, has been launched.
  5. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been signed between 5 the DigiU ecosystem and BR Capital international fund ecosystem.
  6. The DigiU.Lab blockchain team participated in the international Chainlin Hackathon and two large-scale conferences – AIBC DUBAI SUMMIT 2021 in Dubai and RUSSIAN TECH WEEK in Skolkovo, Russian Silicon Valley.
  7. A working version of a new ecosystem product – Eywa.Fi, a decentralized non7 custodial cross-chain exchange was created.
  8. The company’s portfolio includes 3 developments based on AI technologies: computer vision, speech generation and predictive analytics. The development based on speech generation has successfully passed the international patent search.
  9. The DigiU.Wealth product has been launched and is already generating monthly 9 profits for its investors.
  10. Our own educational platform DigiU.Education was created and is available to all 10 partners.


4 ways to earn with DigiU

  1. Dividends:-Invest in the project and receive dividends from your investment. We payout dividends every 3 months or every six months.
  2. Securities:-The value of the company’s securities is constantly increasing. If you buy DigiU shares now, you will earn money by selling them in the future; we also plan to do the buyback…
  3. DigiU technology products:-Invest in specific DigiU ecosystem products and receive income from their monetization. For example, DigiU.Wealth is already generating monthly profits for its investors!
  4. Affiliate Program:-Build a multi-level partner network and benefit from the project’s informational promotion…

Choose your way to make money with DigiU or take advantage of them all.The opportunity to make maximum profit is in your hands!

DigiU is:

Over 180 countries

More than 70 000 partners

More than 10 000 investors

And that’s just the beginning!!!!Today, artificial intelligence and blockchain are the tools of progress, part of our lives and huge money!!!DigiU is successfully operating in the artificial intelligence and blockchain technology market, providing the opportunity for everyone to become part of it and generate income…

Plan Presentation

Digiu Presentation1

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

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