

The World Latest Technology DeFi Decentralized Finance ✓ Nominex is a centralized exchange based in Seychelles ✓ Nominex token launched DeFi based (Decentralized Finance) ✓ NMX Work on Binance Smart Chain : (BSC) 0xD32D01A43C869EDCD1117C640FBDCFCFD97D9D65

The 1st entertrading crypto-exchange with DeFi yield farming internal token NMX distribution (Suited 1, Second Floor, Sound & Vision House, Francies Rechel Str., Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles)……AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology Based)

For more information you can contact or whatsapp us on 8168536232

Our Core Team

  1. Chief Executive Officer (PAVEL SHAKTIN) :- 5 years’ experience in enterprise cloud systems and development of e-commerce solutions. 7 years of business experience and project launching in the field of external advertising and Internet-marketing. 5 years in the blockchain industry.
  2. Chief Technology Officer (Alexander Petrovich) :- 13 years’ experience in backend development. 5 years’ experience in financial services development. 9 years in the blockchain industry.
  3. Chief Experience Officer (Denis Korablev) :- 12 years’ experience in frontend development, UI/UX.
  4. CMO, (Denis Isaulov) :- For 4 years has successfully managed the central unit of the largest forex broker in the Russian Federation investment department. Since 2014, has been actively working with startups, creating and launching innovative products. 6 years in marketing. 3 years in the blockchain industry.

Revenue Flow

Transaction fees :- Nominex charges 0.1% maker and taker fees with an addition of volume based tiering, reduced fee promotions and token usage discount.

Listing fee :- Listing fee might be taken from the selected coins and tokens willing to be listed on Nominex Exchange.

Success fee :- Nominex will charge fees depending on the traders succession while using an upcoming trust management service.

Merchant fees :- Nominex will provide it’s payment provider services for merchants willing to accept cryptocurrency as a payment. Every transaction through the said service will be subject to merchant fee.

Trading discount packages :-Discount packages will be sold for Nominex users, allowing them to partially or fully remove trading fees.

For more information you can contact or whatsapp us on 8168536232 FEATURES

  1. 72 Years of daily farming
  2. No Fee
  3. No KYC
  4. Buy crypto by Visa & Mastercard

NMX Coin Listed On Top 6 Exchanges

  1. Nominex
  2. Coin market cap
  3. PancakeSwap
  4. CoinGecko
  5. Dapp.com
  6. CryptoCompare

Nominex Yield Farming Program = Nominex.io + NMX DiFi Coin

Defi = Decentralized Finance

Financial System :- Landing, Borrowing, Exchange, Wallet

For more information you can contact or whatsapp us on 8168536232 SMART CONTRACT

• Fully Decentralized • No Owner • Runs on Blockchain


• Fund Control (Users) • Policy (No Change) • Security (No Risk) • Owner(No)


  1. Direct Stacking Reward
  2. Bonus Form Team Expenses
  3. Bonus Form Direct Referral Trading Fees
  4. Extra Profit to the team Stacking reward 20%
  5. Discount on Trading Fees up to 100%

PACKAGE PARTNER $100 PRO $300 VIP $1000 Elite $5000 MAX $10000

Direct Stacking Reward 5% 8% 10% 15% 20%

Bonus Form Team Expenses 5% 8% 10% 15% 20%

Bonus Form Direct Referral Trading Fee 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Extra Profit to the team stacking reward 20% 5% 8% 10% 15% 20%

Discount on Trading Fees up to 100% 5% 8% 10% 15% 20%

Nominex + Binance = Broker broker

For more information you can contact or whatsapp us on 8168536232 After integrating with Binance, Nominex users will get:

❖0% fees when trading on Binance through Nominex ❖All Binance + Nominex Trading Pairs ❖All Binance liquidity ❖All Binance Trading Instruments ❖No KYC up to 3 BTC ❖2000% income from NMX farming ❖In case of an increase in demand, an increase in the price of NMX ❖Margin trading ❖Futures ❖And other tools that will be created on Nominex to complete the functionality of Binance

Unlimited affiliate levels, multiple bonuses and daily giveaways — Nominex launches its Affiliate Program

Build up a profitable business by telling the world about Nominex.

Affiliate Programs are currently “all-the-vogue” feature among the trading platforms. Despite all the fuss, not all the referral programs offered by the market are really worth the time and effort as to what you get in the long run.

Developing the Nominex Affiliate Program, we strived to create a structure of unprecedented efficiency and profitability, allowing YOU, our user, to create your own high-profit business and build up a fortune. That is how we came up with the idea of a Binary Tree with an unlimited number of affiliate levels you can earn from, multiple bonuses and numerous awards.We believe that Nominex Affiliate Program is totally worth participating as it is almost impossible to lose out earning, once you get in. So now let us see what Affiliate Program is about

What is Nominex Affiliate Program?

The Affiliate Program is a new feature of the Nominex Exchange, which makes for another way to boost your income on the platform. In a nutshell, it allows you to get passive income for merely joining the Program and inviting a couple of friends and earn even more by spreading the word about Nominex by referring a lot of new members.

Once you join the Affiliate Program, you get introduced to the tree-like structure, where each affiliate has two branches: the left and the right one. While the units of the left branch are filled with the affiliates coming via your Sponsor’s link, the right branch is filled with your direct (users, who signed up with your personal link) and indirect referees (users, who followed the links of your referees).

If you invite more people, your referees will appear on the lower levels and, in their turn, create more and more branches. Unlike other exchanges with 2–3 levels, you literally benefit from the unlimited number of affiliate levels in the Nominex Affiliate Program! This type of affiliate structure is referred to as a Binary Tree.

Binary tree is a tree-like structure, where each unit originates at most two branches, which are referred to as “the left” and “the right” one. Each of the units splits into another left and right branches. This way each Affiliate Program participant has left and right Teams consisting of millions of people regardless of which affiliate level each user locates on and who was their Sponsor. The most important thing is that they are under you in the binary tree. Nominex exchange itself is the first member of the binary tree and is the only one that doesn’t have a Sponsor.

How does the affiliate binary tree work?

Nominex Affiliate Program takes advantage of its binary tree organizational structure to maximize the benefits for its participants, regardless of their trading activity.

Every member of the Program has a Sponsor — the user, whose referral link was used to sign up. For users who didn’t sign up via a referral link, Nominex itself becomes a Sponsor. When someone signs up with your unique referral link, you become a Sponsor for this user.

Each participant has two teams, which match the two affiliate branches in the tree. Once the first level of your Sponsor’s team is complete, his next direct referees can take the unit in YOUR left branch. This is called the Spillover Effect.

Spillover effect occurs when both units of the first level in the binary tree are filled and new members are integrated into the structure in the left or right branch of another user.

Think of it as of a champagne tower: once the higher levels of the tower are filled, champagne will “spillover” to the lower ones. In the same way, your Sponsor’s referees, will “spillover” to the levels of your branch. This way your team forms itself with no actual effort on your behalf.

How can I benefit even more?

By inviting new affiliates to your Team. Once new members use your personal link to sign up, they become members of your right-branch team. Your direct affiliates can also invite new members, who will also join your team. In the long run, as a Sponsor, you will earn from the trading fees of your Team members every time the Team Cycle is completed (more on that later). If you become one of the first Nominex Affiliate Program participants, you’ll end up at the top of the binary tree. You can literally earn passive income by being among the happy first affiliates of Nominex and inviting a couple of super active affiliates! Wanna join now?

When your left and right team members trade and pay trading fees, you receive Team Points (TP): for every 25 USDT paid in commissions by team members, you get 10 TP from the corresponding team. As soon as both of your teams reach 100 Team Points each, you will perform a Team Cycle: 100 TP are deducted from each team and you receive a Team reward of 25 USDT.

What kind of rewards do I get?

We did our best to arrange a reward system matching any activity you fulfill as an affiliate member. There are four types of rewards you can earn at each stage of your activity.

Our rewards suit both traders who occasionally invite their friends to try out a nice product and affiliates who build a full volume business promoting Nominex. The most active referrers can earn a fortune with all the rewards above, while passive ones can benefit from Team and Advancement rewards by inviting a bunch of affiliates who actively promote Nominex and grow your team for you.

Due to the spillover effect, if you sign up earlier, you can take advantage of the binary tree structure as new Affiliate Program members will automatically grow one of your teams. Bigger teams mean more rewards for you! Register now if you still haven’t!

The Nominex team is constantly working on developing new updates. New features are already about to come! So follow our blog and watch out for the news on the Nominex Exchange.

Benefits & Features of Nominex Cryptocurrency Exchange

Founded in 2018, Nominex has combined simplicity, technologic robustness, security and earning potential into one next-generation exchange. The aim of the skillful team behind the project was to provide a convenient and streamlined trading experience not only for professionals but also for beginners.

Nominex is a fintech company that develops various technological solutions for the new crypto economy of the future. The cryptocurrency exchange is only one of the few products in the line. In the future, the company will launch the processing of cryptocurrency payments, solutions that allow connecting crypto and fiat worlds, various services for introducing crypto-nomics into people’s daily lives.

Nominex has built its system on modern reliable distributed cloud technologies, which allows it to add new features to the platform quickly, painlessly and invisibly for users, to scale the system in automatic mode with increasing loads.

No wonder why the majority of the exchanges show no tech-difference — they are the same bundle, just wrapped in different packaging. Nominex is a custom-made digital asset exchange that will deliver continuous pleasure to traders of all levels of expertise and will constantly develop features that will place it ahead of the competition.

For more information you can contact or whatsapp us on 8168536232

Nominex Unique Affiliate Program

Nominex offers a lucrative Referral Program, where traders can literally build their own high volume profitable business as there is no limit of affiliate levels that users can get their bonuses from, unlike a traditional 2 or 3-level base that most exchanges provide.

Nominex Affiliate Program works on a binary tree affiliate structure, where new members are introduced into a system with a tree-like base, which is formed by the direct referrals and indirect ones. The members of the Affiliate Program get the most bonuses from people they even never met before, because all the bonuses are credited from all the people in their binary tree, regardless of their quantity. Active sponsors may help grow their referrals’ teams more quickly because of the Spillover effect.

The users can also benefit from 4 different bonus types offered by the platform — Quick Start Bonus, Team Bonus, Leadership Bonus as well as Advancement Bonus. More info on the bonus structures can be found here. What can be better than unlimited referral levels, 4 different bonus types, exclusive rank system, daily giveaways, and bonuses?

NMX Token

The core of the exchange is its native cryptocurrency — the NMX token. In comparison to its competitors, it tops all of them with the advantages it provides.

  • Trading fee cashback: during the first month after the Nominex launch, all users will get 100% NMX cashback for their trading fees. This is a limited opportunity, so don’t miss out on this one!
  • Daily NMX distribution: a daily trading volume pool will be distributed among all Nominex traders on a daily basis. Before the beginning of this phase, the exchange fixes the volume of the daily pool and distributes it on a daily basis. Daily distribution is based on the trader’s daily trading volume respectively (if one trader makes 2% of the total daily volume, he receives 2% of the daily pool). The daily NMX distribution will be more profitable on the first months of trading, because the daily pool will be shared among the fewer amount of traders. It means that the sooner you join Nominex and begin trading, the more you’ll potentially earn. As a result, the bonuses are formed from the 100M NMX token pool until this amount is not distributed.
  • Trading fees: these may be as low as 0.005% for market makers, and fees can be dropped by 50% when holding NMX tokens — Nominex’s native cryptocurrency. Nominex also offers an 8-tier fee structure which drops the trading fees significantly once the greater trading volume is reached, or when more NMX is held by the user. You can learn more about the Nominex fee structure here.
  • Referral bonus: traders can get an extra 10% profit to all the earned affiliate bonuses if they choose to receive bonuses in the form of an NMX token.
For more information you can contact or whatsapp us on 8168536232

Cryptocurrency range & order types

When it comes to offering technologically robust trading, Nominex provides 40+ crypto pairs, a full list of which can be found here. To guarantee the right tools to be applied at all times, the exchange offers advanced order types and instruments for professional traders, which are especially beneficial in fast-moving markets. Apart from the traditional Market, Stop and Stop Limit order types present in all exchanges, traders can also set their orders via Trailing StopTrailing Stop Future or Scaled order types.

To conclude, Nominex is a useful and convenient solution for newcomers and professionals in the sphere of crypto trading. The platform focuses on its long-term development. Unlike other exchanges that sell their native cryptocurrency to raise profits for further platform investment, Nominex gives away its tokens to attract more users and deliver a fair and lucrative trading experience. Discover its advantages and learn why newcomers and experienced traders choose Nominex.

How to secure your Cryptocurrency Exchange trading Account on Nominex

Uncrackable passwords, best 2FA apps, and top-market cold wallets — how to keep your crypto safe?

Setting a Hard-to-Crack Password

The first thing you can do is to make up a strong password, which will even give you some hard time memorizing. Still, the creation of a password is not the best moment to practice your creativity so that you can entrust this to a specifically tailored Strong Password Generator.

To make yourself utmostly secure, it pays to save your password offline or write it down on a piece of paper. But if you are too cool for stationery and only use online storage, please make sure no one else has access to your cloud.

Is a Password Enough?

We are afraid no. There is nothing wrong with passwords, they still work as the first step of authentication. Yet, alone, passwords do not provide the level of security necessary to protect your digital assets. In practice it takes two steps, to keep your account safe. So what is to be done?

2FA is What You Need to Secure your Assets

The whole idea of 2FA (Two-Factor Authorization) is to set an extra layer of account protection with the second step of authentication.

Nominex features Google Authenticator for 2FA. This means that you need to install Google Authenticator app to your smartphone (or other devices) to enable 2FA for your account. How does it work?

Once you have installed the app on your device, you need to scan the QR code displayed on the webpage of the Account Security section. After that, the app will generate the one-time secret code valid for 30 seconds. You need to use this code to sign in your Nominex account, once you are done with the password authentication.

Currently, 2FA is considered the safest and most popular method to ensure account security. So do not hesitate to enable it!

You can use any software that implements two-step verification services using the Time-based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP) and HMAC-based One-time Password algorithm (HOTP) like Google Authenticator, Authy, LastPass Authenticator, etc.

What else can I do to secure my assets?

Visit SSL-protected websites only

Just take a couple of precautions. Make sure the website you are browsing is SSL-protected, so you can have peace of mind, your personal data (like passwords, account information, credit card details) cannot be read, even if intercepted. This security measure is of extreme importance, especially when it comes to exchange platforms.

Trading on Nominex, you can rest easy about security, as the platform uses the HTTPS protocol, allowing for bank-grade data protection.

Make sure your URL is correct

The usage of phishing sites is now one of the most popular ways that hijackers use to gain access to traders’ accounts. Phishing websites are fake sites, that camouflage as legitimate ones to attract users and intercept their personal data. In large part, phishing sites bear only visual resemblance to the real ones. Hijackers usually promote their fake websites, sending links via emails, emails, or advertisements. So to secure yourself, it is better to manually type the website’s URL on the browser’s address bar.

Activate a VPN connection

When connecting to a public WiFi network (or any WiFi network that you do not trust), it is safer to use a VPN (a virtual private network). When using a WiFi network in a cafe or open space, you never know whether a person sitting next to you will not intercept your files or start searching through your data. What a VPN does is encrypting your internet traffic, connecting it to the server of the VPN company so that no one can read your data.

Apply a passcode lock on your offline devices

Even using an offline device to store your data can still be risky without setting up a passcode. So even when a passcode is optional, you should still make sure to select a secure passcode, not a simple four-digit PIN.

Update your software

Unfortunately, many users do not bother to keep their software up-to-date, while the majority of system breakdowns stem from outdated operating systems and browsers. In practice, software updates are essential to keep both your devices and online accounts safe.

So Should I Worry About My Nominex Account Safety?

With Nominex, you can enjoy your trading experience to the fullest, having no fears over data protection. We store 99% of assets in a cold wallet with military-grade security so as soon as you don’t expose your account, your money is safe and sound. We designed a fool-proof system that won’t even allow you to use a too weak password or deposit crypto without 2FA.  The rest is on us! So get on board and watch out for hijackers!

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