


Wind’ll change everything The building, which can produce electricity in the amount of 200% of its own needs

We are designing a building, which can produce electricity in the amount of up to 200% of its own needs. . According to the UN, the world’s demand for electricity will double by 2027. Currently, about 80% of electrical energy is produced by the consumption of non-renewable energy sources. By burning coal, oil and gas, we risk getting a high level of the greenhouse effect and environmental pollution in the coming decades with long-term adverse effects on flora and fauna, changes in weather conditions and an increase in natural disasters.


To conduct research and development in the field of natural and technical Sciences, JSC “WETER” was created with the authorized capital of 31,400,000 rubles, which has the right to develop technical solutions for the production of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, including wind energy….

The aim of the company

Convince the developers of the world of the need to build not just buildings, but energy-efficient buildings by the end of 2022-2023. Conducting research and development of technical solutions for the production of electric energy using wind energy for the further design and use of electric power plants in Industry and Energy. Ensuring the implementation of the developed power stations in production and wide use to create conditions for effective commercial positioning of the company in the market with high capitalization of assets.

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232


It is important to use wind energy

More than 80% of electricity generation comes from non-renewable energy sources, such as coal and gas. According to the UN until 2025, humanity will need twice as much electricity…


Taking into account the adverse effects from the use of carbon fuels in the production of electricity and the development of power plants using wind energy, there are prospects in the development of new technical solutions for the production of high-tech electric power devices with the potential of economic feasibility and wide application. Research and development of new technological solutions for the production of electricity using wind energy is carried out by the JSC «WETER»,ITN 5407969895.By using innovative technical solutions, the company is working on the formation and implementation of projects for the production of electricity using wind energy, a renewable energy source which would also highlight the prospects for the future of such projects….



  1. Environmentally friendly
  2. Renewable
  3. Possibility of widespread use


  1. Environmental pollution
  2. Resource Depletion
  3. Complexity of fuel production , delivery, Storage & Use.


Specialists proposed a new technological process of the electric power plant, in which the energy of the air flow of the environment is converted into hydraulic energy, followed by its use for for actuating generators that produce electricity. The proposed electric power plant with a combined technological process of electricity production has:

• a stable and solid one-piece construction, formed by the foundation platform (at the base), the frames of the structures, fixed modular platforms and the supporting columns..

• a complex construction of the main aerodynamic design elements with the division into separate modules of air rotor units.

• a separate modular use of air flow energy in the operation of autonomous hydraulic systems of a closed circuit…

• hydraulic drives of electric generators and several electric generating systems functionally related to the operation of the equipment of the modules. Preliminary graphic modeling and calculations show that the design of the power plant and its equipment are able to provide..

• stability and endurance of the construction to static and dynamic loads.

• the concentration of the air flow of the medium and setting the direction of the optimal impact on the air rotor unit.

• reliable cylindrical transmission of rotation of the air rotor unit on the shafts of hydraulic pumps.

• sufficient pressure in hydraulic systems for normal circulation of liquid in a closed circuit and hydraulic drive of electric generators in the specified parameters.

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Technology and innovations

  • The air flow concentration increases its power
  • The air flow direction to the generator blades along the tangential line to the circumference of rotation optimizes the torque of the generating module
  • Modular arrangement of several elements of the wind power station allows to effectively use the wind speed and vary the power of the wind farm
  • Protection of non-operating blades from the air stream incident increases efficiency and reduces noise to normal levels
  • Relatively low material consumption (mass) compared with classical wind turbines with increasing the specific power

Visual appearance of the construction with aerodynamic elements

  1. Aerodynamic shields set the direction of the air flow to the blade systems of the rotor units of the modules.
  2. The construction concentrates the flow and are the supporting part of the wind turbine.
  3. The frame structure allows to mount modular platforms of blade systems.
  4. The blades of the rotary unit of each module take wind energy and create its rotation.
  5. The platform is an architectural element of the construction and provides stability of the fixed axis.

Overview of the construction of mechanical elements

The air flow concentrated by the structures and directed by the aerodynamic shields at the blade systems of individual modules creates a rotation of their rotor units around a fixed axis. The modules are separated by fixed platforms having a rigid connection with the frames of the peripheral structures in combination with the supporting column. The modules contain independent rotor units for converting the air flow into rotational motion and drive hydraulic pumps located on each of the modular platforms. Based on the foundation platform, the frame structures in conjunction with the supporting column, modular platforms form a solid and stable construction, providing its strength and endurance to the actions of static and dynamic loads, depending on the weight of the structure (gravity forces), weather factors (wind gusts, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, precipitation), from the vibrational effects of its own assemblies and mechanisms.

The rotor unit is mounted in each module, the rotor unit combines a blade system with an internal cylindrical gear. The blade system is a metal cylinder with radially symmetric placement of blades of a complex profile on its casing, and on the inner side of the cylinder, teeth of an internal gear wheel are made to drive hydraulic pumps. In the upper and lower parts of the rotor unit there are slots for placing roller thrust bearings, which provide rotation of the unit in modular platforms.

For visual perception of the rotor unit, its top view is shown here with a roller bearing placed in the seat and a structural construction of the supporting column, which together with stationary modular platforms creates a solid basis for the vertical construction of independent modules.

A top view of a separate module without an upper platform gives an idea of the complexity of building the equipment in the module, which, in addition to the rotor unit, includes a part of the hydraulic system for the drive of the electric generator: pumps and pipelines. The pumps are placed symmetrically along the inner perimeter of the cylindrical gear of the rotor unit to form a gear transmission of rotation to the shafts of hydraulic pumps connected by a network of pipelines.

The combination of the individual module with supporting column determines the necessity of creation of windows in the latter for the transmission of rotation to the driven gears of pumps from the air rotor and air circulation inside the rotor unit, where hydraulic pipelines and pumps are located.

The hydraulic system of the whole complex structure is a set of several independent hydraulic systems of a closed circuit of liquid circulation with pumps, pipelines and a hydraulic rotary unit (hydraulic drive), while the number of independent hydraulic systems depends on the number of modules.

Considering in detail the part of the hydraulic system located in the module, it is assumed that it is possible to place six hydraulic pumps on the modular platform, taking into account the combination and complex construction of pipelines. This arrangement (scheme) of hydraulic equipment can be justified in the production of modeling and design as a separate module, and the entire power plant.

When placing assemblies and units of the electric power plant, it is attractive to distribute sources of dynamic loads and noise throughout the structure with a separate arrangement of a number of units at the bottom of the power plant on a stable and durable basis. This will significantly reduce the impact of dynamic loads on the construction of the power plant and the noise level during its operation.

The design of the electric power plant, the combined approach of converting energy to electricity has the prospect of using such technical solutions in the development and creation of stationary power generating facilities that can make significant positive changes in the development of territories, the architectural appearance of cities and of providing electricity to consumers.

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Application possibilities

Wind power plants can be combined into a single complex and serve different purposes

  • Living spaces
  • Retail and entertaining venues
  • Data centres
  • Production equipment
  • Administrative facilities
  • Garages and parking lots
  • Office premises
  • Hydroponics farms

Visualizations of application on different terrain

  1. Dubai (UAE) – functional purpose “residential and public premises”
  2. Murmansk – functional purpose “vertical farm”
  3. Far North – functional purpose “vertical farm”
  4. Far North – a possible combining of objects into whole structures
  5. St. Petersburg – functional purpose “residential and public premises”
  6. St. Petersburg – functional purpose “residential and public premises”
  7. Dubai (UAE)- functional purpose “residential and public premises”

The proposed illustrations show some of the options for the formation and functional purpose of the electrical plant, which determines its relative universality and the possibility of wide application.

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 9510212014

Comparison with propeller wind turbines

Nowadays, the wind turbines with horizontal axis of rotation are mainly used to convert wind current to electric power. They are employed in large wind farm systems. Despite such widespread application, the classic propeller wind turbines have substantial defects that are to be eliminated in new version of «Wind- driven power station».

  1. There is no possibility of air flow concentration
  2. There possibility of air flow concentration
  3. Power generation is possible at wind speeds of 7 m/s
  4. Power generation is possible at wind speeds of 4 m/s
  5. Distance from populated areas with long power lines
  6. Possibility of accommodation directly in the urban environment
  7. The presence of strong noise up to 70 dB and infrasound, which has a negative impact on the nervous system of living beings
  8. Low-speed design provides noiselessness,no infrasound

Today, horizontal-axis wind turbines in the system of wind parks occupying large areas are mainly used to convert the energy of the wind flow into electrical energy. Despite such a large-scale application, the wind turbines of the classical (propeller) type have significant disadvantages that will be excluded in the new Wind Power Station.

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Comparison with implemented analogues of the technology

An innovation for the project „Wind-driven power station“ is likely both to satisfy in-house power needs and be the power source for other consumers, who don’t form part of the facility that generates electricity

  1. WETER Sustainment 200%
  2. Pearl River Tower Sustainment 10%
  3. Bahrain World Trade Center Sustainment 3%

Opinion of experts

Experts in the field of mechanics, aerodynamics, construction and architecture have shown interest in an innovative technological solution for the production of electricity in a complex construction with the building and indicate the presence of criteria for the prospects of the project “Wind Power Station” and the possibility of use.

Weter ENERGY 2020 - YouTube
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Technology is protected

The invention “Wind Power Station has a patent that provides state protection of the results of intellectual activities. The patent claim has priority from the moment of official registration of the request in Rospatent and cannot be duplicated or used by other persons.

Author of the technology (Denis Tiaglin )

• The initiator of technological solutions for the fundamental arrangement of the urban environment. • Holder of 6 patents • The holder of the patent for the invention, which was included in the list of 100 best inventions of Russia • The invention was included in the album of innovative proposals of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS)

The increase in the company’s assets is planned through :

• the development and popularization of the electric power plant, ensuring the attraction of investments and the formation of partnerships with persons interested in the production and use of plants; • profit from the design of such technological structures on the instructions of customers; • the mutual transfer of rights to use the technological solution for the production of electricity – an electric power plant

Electronic digital key EDK

The author of the project “WETER” offers investors to compile an “Electronic digital key” that reflects information about the investor and his transactions on the transfer of investment funds.

Electronic digital key (will be sent to the investor’s e-mail after each transaction) will also be placed in the personal account of the investor participating in the investment program of the project “WETER”

Subsequently, the “Electronic Digital Key” will be used in the design (preparation) of documents for exchange for the issuer’s shares. Access to the “Electronic Key” will be limited within the investor-founder of the company.

By investing now you have the opportunity to:

  1. Have a lifetime dividends.
  2. To become a co-owner of products that are necessary for all countries.
  3. Receive income with a small investment.
  4. Participate in changing the world.
  5. Become a FRANCHISEE of WETER It is more profitable to

How to become a co-owner

  • Register on the website to enter your personal account
  • Choose a block of shares and pay in any convenient way
  • Complete the procedure for registration of rights to shares in VTB Registrar

Become part of the future now…15771 people around the world have already become co-owners of the project…..WIND WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING

Affiliate Plan Presentation


Plan Presentation

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Weter Presentation Video (English)

Plan Presentation Video (Hindi)

For the more information you can whatsApp or contact with us on 8168536232

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